Friday, February 4, 2011

Day One: I'm going to have a problem with the soy milk

I feel like a walking-talking advertisement for wheatgrass.
I'm not really sure what a vegan should feel like, so I don't really know exactly what I should feel like. But, it's safe to say that as of now the taste of wheat has been defacing any normal taste buds that I may have possessed.
I woke up this morning feeling chipper, like I always do; and when I say "chipper," I mean, I felt chipper at 5 AM, which yes, is very rare, my friends. I decided to get up a half hour earlier this morning to make my proper vegan breakfast, which consisted of, don't laugh, vanilla flavored soy milk (may I just note here that I generally loathe any edible substance entitled with the term "vanilla.") with whole wheat Cheerio's and.... the only thing that tasted as though it was juice.
I think right here is where I should admit that I'm now afraid of soy milk.
It's not that I don't like it, it's just that every time I go to pour it down my throat I have to close my eyes and chug it as if it's poisen.
Okay, so I totally don't like it.
In a fit of desperation, I grabbed the vanilla flavored soy milk, a much more toned down version, and survived my first vegan breakfast.

I have a strange fetish with granola bars; they're my crutch. When in doubt, go for granola. There's just something nice about a granola bar that I can't really put my finger on. When I was vegan-shopping, I only managed to find one adaquete granola bar package (note to self: find more granola bars) and the box that it came in was green, so that was a bonus point. There was also a really cute picture of a panda on it, which could potentially make the buyer go "aww, I should totally give up every nutrient my body needs because there's a cute panda on the package telling me to!"
Needless to say, the granola bar sucked.
If consuming burnt plastic was the objective of my challenge then it would have been perfectly appropriate, but one can only hope.
I may sound a little tense about this whole shebang right now, but on the contrary, the rest of my lunch was, again...don't laugh...normal. I had a perfectly scrumptious peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread with some Wheat Thins and some pretzels. Was it the most creative lunch? No. I have yet to get creative with my dietary vegan experience (sorry, I'm still wearing leather boots.) However, it was healthy compared to the predicted lunch of a typical teenager, and I felt, for lack of a better term, refreshed, for the remainder of my school day.
(note to self: never use the word "scrumptious" in this blog ever again, I'm not Willy Wonka.)

Dinner harshed my Italian-mellow, unfortunately. I'm sorry, but too much wheat in pasta is a sin and any respectable Soprano-loving Italian would concur. I've had whole grain pasta in the past, but this new brand from Barilla that I tried took it overboard. I wasn't eating whole grain spaghetti, I was eating cardboard with sauce on it. Dinner was a tad bit of a failure, and hopefully Mother Theresa will give me some of my Italian descent back after that horried pasta-wannabe dish.

There are officially 14 minutes left of Day One of my vegan week. Can I quit now?
Yes, I'm kidding.
I actually found this guy on YouTube who reports on "Vegan News" every week, so I'll be posting some stuff from him later on if I find any "oh wow, that's interesting," shows, if I still have my sanity.

'till next time, my non-vegans.

*VEGAN THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Why does every vegan package I buy have a picture of a panda on it?

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