Friday, August 27, 2010

and if you strip me, strip it all the way.

i may not be logical. he tells me that all the time.
but i can still function.
i can still think.
and if it wasn't for me, a lot of things would never happen.
it seems as though so much dependance is put on me.
logical thinking has nothing to do with it.
he thinks i'm scared. but I'm not.
i just like knowing that i tried to make things go right when no one else bothered.
he just doesn't understand that.
i guess it's because i feel like if i plan something, then i can never get disappointed, because i knew what to expect...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Florence & The Machine. Good stuff.

Monday, August 16, 2010

basically my view on relationships.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

good wine needs no bush

good people are like good wine.
something i realized two nights ago, is that these people make you feel at ease, they give you comfort, they give you enjoyment, and take all the empty spaces in your life, and give them meaning.
meaning filled with love.
i can't thank them enough for that.
so, cheers.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Browsing through Google (don't we all do that at some low point in our lives?) I found this.
It's cool, isn't it?
Or do people not use the word "cool" anymore?
I'll say "unique" instead.
I came to the conclusion that maybe the photographer meant to convey a thought about how women gossip. It appears her mouth is shut when really-she's stretching it out just a tiny bit. Don't we all, as women, do that?
Keep our mouths shut and open with secrets simultaneously.
Indeed, we do.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I know that's not journalistic in the least.
But it's the only vivid thought that's passing through my mind right now.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

let yourself go.

with a day-dreamed far-off look, and her nose, stuck in a book...

it's been 27 days.
and 2,215 pages later, i've never felt so satisfied with my reading-life.

challenge: 6 novels in July
status: mission accomplished

challenge: finish eat, pray, love in 12 days
status: wish me luck